The big trip

One day I was on my way home when Patrixxx grabed me and stuffed me in his pocket. I didn't have any idea what was going to happen after that. Heck, I didn't even know who this Patrixxx was.
Two hours later he took me out of his pocket and sat me down on a chair. I wanted to know where I was so I asked him (Well I think its a boy.) where I was. Here's the conversation.
ME: Hey where the *Bleep* am ?
PATRIXXX: u r in mai house.
ME: Why am I here, in your house.
PATRIXXX because i need 2 do something 4 u.
Patrixxx zapped me with some kind of lazzer. After he zapped me, I started to feel weird.
ME: Hey y do mai voice sound weird?
PATRIXXX: its working :D
ME: wat is working? i don't have a job.
PATRIXXX: not yet. . . spongebob. >:3
ME: wat?
I look at my self. My hands are yellow with holes in them. I feel my face to see that it's spongy.
ME: nuuu. . .
PATRIXXX: Wake up!
I wake up to see my mom pushing on my side.
MOM: We're here,
ME: What? You're not Patrixxx?
MOM: What do you mean? I woke you up because we're home from our big trip. Remember? We went to Walmart.
I'll never forget about that dream. . . Well. . . Okay I'll forget about it.